£125 p/p
Savings for groups of 3 or more
Children <12yrs free
Photo ©Andrew Fortuna
Yellow-legged gull mobbing migrant Short-toed eagle
Southern Spain
Max 4 persons
1 person: £200
2 people: £250 (£125 p/p)
3 people: £345 (£115 p/p)
4 people: £400 (£100 p/p)
Children <12 yrs free
Map shows approximate radius of birdwatching tours in Southern Spain, starting from the Spanish side of the frontier with Gibraltar, or any other nearby agreed pickup point (ie hotel or other). Note that the red areas do not represent all the areas that will be covered, just the radius of possible route options.

- Pick-up & drop-off from hotel / other place
- Ground transport & fuel
- Services of professional bilungual birding guide
- Use of KOWA telescope + KOWA binoculars (if required)
- Basic travel insurance (recommended you get your own)
Required - Study shoes (all seasons)
- Appropriate clothing (depends on season)

- Appropriate clothing (depends on season)
- Pick-up & drop-off from hotel / other
- Ground transport & fuel
- Services of professional bilungual birding guide
- Use of KOWA telescope + KOWA binoculars (if required)
- Basic travel insurance (recommended you get your own)
Required - Study shoes (all seasons)
- Appropriate clothing (depends on season)
- Hat, sun block, fly repellant if required
Photo – Gibraltar candytuft (Iberis gibraltarica) ©Andrew Fortuna

A day out in the wilderness with a licensed guide. Are you tired of large noisy tour groups, or feel you have no time to stop and take your time to capture a brilliant nature photo opportunity without having that feeling of being left behind by the tour guide? Well if you feel that way, and your a nature lover, just want to stretch your legs, breath some fresh air or simply want to engage in a leisurely walk in the countryside, this tour is just for you! Experience how man and natural history has influenced the the region around us. Watch hundred of migrating birds of prey, native breeding birds, plethora of wild flowers and butterflies and and enjoy some stunning scenery.
We will take into account your activity preference birds, photography, digiscoping or nature in general. Let us know what your medical conditions / limitations are. Your health and safety is paramount for us! A great option if you’r based in Gibraltar or nearby area. We will arrange pickup / drop-off free of charge. Also a great option for general nature photographers.
What you require – Use appropriate footwear and clothing (no sandals). You can choose to bring your own food, however, tours pass by several restaurants and cafes. Bring your medication, suncream, sun shades, whilst insect repellent and a hat is optional.species of bird of prey, two species of stork, and a plethora of species of seabirds such as the restricted Audouin’s and Scopoli’s shearwater can be observed. On the seventh day we transfer to our respective airports where the tour will end.
Variety of flowers
Gibraltar and the Spanish Strait of Gibraltar are great destinations for botanists, with a wide array of endemic species such as the Gibraltar candytuft (see pic left), Gibraltar campion, Gibraltar sea lavender and others. We walk you through all the nooks and crannies in the famous Rock of Gibraltar in search of these specialities and a offers a great opporunity for children and nature lovers in general who enjoy a casual ramble in the local countryside! The primary habitat in Gibraltar is maquis, or dense Mediterranean scrub. This is mostly made up of tall bushes that include wild olive, Mediterranean buckthorn, lentisc, Osyris, terebinth, and smaller bushes that include shrubby scorpion vetch, spiny broom, teline, wild jasmine, shrubby germander and felty germander. The bay laurel, and the dwarf fan palm are also found in parts of the maquis. Understory plants include the intermediate periwinkle, Butcher’s broom, Italian arum and Bear’s breech. The firebreaks in the maquis are home to plants such as paper-white narcissus, common asphodel, giant Tangier fennel, wild gladiolus, Galactites and mallow bindweed. Butterflies include the Monarch, Two-tailed pasha, Moroccan orange-tip and others.
All year round
Gibraltar campion, Gibraltar sea lavender, Wild olive, Mediterranean buckthorn, lentisc, Osyris, terebinth, Shrubby scorpion vetch, Spiny broom, Teline, Wild jasmine, Shrubby germander, Felty germander, Bay laurel, Dwarf fan fan, Intermediate periwinkle, Butcher’s broom, Italian arum and Bear’s breech, Paper-white narcissus, Common asphodel, Giant Tangier fennel, Wild gladiolus, Galactites, Mallow-leaved bindweed and more!

- Appropriate clothing (depends on season)
- Pick-up & drop-off from hotel / other
- Ground transport & fuel
- Services of professional bilungual birding guide
- Use of KOWA telescope + KOWA binoculars (if required)
- Basic travel insurance (recommended you get your own)
Required - Study shoes (all seasons)
- Appropriate clothing (depends on season)

A day out in the wilderness with a licensed guide. Are you tired of large noisy tour groups, or feel you have no time to stop and take your time to capture a brilliant nature photo opportunity without having that feeling of being left behind by the tour guide? Well if you feel that way, and your a nature lover, just want to stretch your legs, breath some fresh air or simply want to engage in a leisurely walk in the countryside, this tour is just for you! Experience how man and natural history has influenced the the region around us. Watch hundred of migrating birds of prey, native breeding birds, plethora of wild flowers and butterflies and and enjoy some stunning scenery.
Some of Europe’s most colourful butterflies can be observed and photographed during our tours around Gibraltar. Butterflies such as the Two-tailed Pasha, Swallowtail, Scarce Swallowtail, Spanish Festoon and the superb Monarch are some of our highlights, if you are lucky you might even bump in to the less common moroccon orangetip which can sometimes be seen in certain areas in Gibraltar during spring. Across the border in Spain, many more species can be observed at different elevations.
You may be lucky to bump in to butterfly migration involving passage species such as the painted lady, which has peaks in Spring and autumn, also coinciding with the arrival of many species of dragonflies. Painted Lady are one species that can occur in huge numbers at certain times of the year, especial April and late summer.
Amongst the more sedentary species, one could expect to encounter the beautiful Cleopatra, and the ubiquitous whites, both the large and small versions. Striped grayling and the Speckled wood are also common. The Geranium Bronze is often encountered in the city area amongst green areas. Some of the species that can be observed include:-
All year round
Monarch (Danaus plexippus) – Two-tailed Pasha (Charaxes jasius) – Swallowtail (Papilio machaon)– Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius) – Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta – Painted Lady Vanessa cardui – Large White (Pieris brassica) – Small White (Pieris rapae)– Clouded Yellow (Colias croceus)– Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria)– Spanish Festoon (Zerynthia rumina)– Cleopatra (Gonepteryx cleopatra)– Geranium Bronze (Cacyreus marshalii)– Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus)– Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus)– Long-tailed Blue (Lampides boeticus)– Southern Brown (Argus Aricia cramera)– Small Copper (Lycaena phlaeas) – Striped Grayling (Pseudoptergumia fidia), and many more!
Use the following calculator to get a quote for one or up to seven days with 10% discounts available per day, with a maximum discount up to day 4. No further discounts form days 5-7. Fees are for day tours only without accomodation.
RRP Price: £0.00
Discounted Price: £0.00
Discounted Price p/p: £0.00
Discounted Price p/p, p/d: £0.00
Discount Applied: £0.00
Children under 12 yrs old free
ITINERARY: Depending on your preferences, target species and prevailing weather / wind conditions and the day, will visit the best of the many birding hotspots in the region. Our birdwatching tours in Southern Spain are never the same!
You also have the options to enjoy tea/coffees along the way and/or a traditional cheap tapas lunch meal at a local venta (not included in price, appreciate you cover guide’s meals costs but not compulsory) and then make a final birding leg after lunch. We can generally be flexible and include some stopovers outside thses for each species of your interest, check scenic views and natural jewels may you be particularly interested in.
Around half of the time birding will be enjoyed from the vehicle. The walks are generally easy and short, but we are happy to include longer walks with outstanding scenery views upon request.
MEETING POINT: Pickup from Gibraltar or the Spanish side of the frontier with Gibraltar, or any other nearby agreed pickup point (ie hotel or other)
START TIMES: This full day trip takes 8-9 hours h including time spent traveling. We will agree a start time according to the time of the year, weather and your target birds, but start times are recommended from 8am to approx 5pm.
Target species
Black-shouldered Kite, Spanish Imperial Eagle, Bonelli’s Eagle, Short-toed Eagle, Golden Eagle, Booted Eagle, Eurasian Black (Cinereous) Vulture, Egyptian Vulture, Audouin’s gull, Corys / Scopoli’s shearwater, Pallid Swift, Alpine Swift, Blue Rock Thrush, Black Stork, White Stork, Purple Heron, Squaco Heron, Little Bittern, Purple (Western) Swamp Hen, Savi’s Warbler, Great Reed Warbler, Black-eared Wheatear, Black Wheatear, Subalpine Warbler, Red-knobbed Coot, White-headed Duck, Marbled Duck, Crag Martin, Red-rumped Swallow, Great Bustard, Little Bustard, Stone Curlew (Eurasian Thick-knee), European Bee-eater, Black-bellied Sandgrouse, Pin-tailed Sandgrouse, Eurasian Eagle Owl, Little Owl, Scops Owl, Whiskered Tern, Collared Pratincole and more!
Includes times spent having lunch
Approx 8/9 hours
8am – 4/5pm
Prices in total not per person unless otherwise stated
1 person: £200
2 people: £300 (£150 p/p)
3 people: £390 (£130 p/p)
4 people: £440 (£110 p/p)
Children <12 yrs free
Transport & fuel
Local Bird guide
Language – English/Spanish spoken
Use of binoculars & scope
Bird checklist & guide in English
Basic liability insurance
Meals & drinks
Travel & Health insurance (purchase your own)
The variety of habitats make this trip rewarding year round