Spectacular bird of prey migration between two continents

£750 p/p

2 nights B&B
4 person max

Chose your dates

3 days


Max 6 persons

Single supp £250


There are no fixed tours dates, you can choose you own. Dates are available on an upon-request basis and will get used up quite quickly. Please contact me asap to request your preferred dates to avoid disappointment.

Northern bald iris during our tours
©Andrew Fortuna

The strait of Gibraltar lies in a strategic location for birdwatching.  Migration of soaring birds & seabirds occurs almost year-round and the sheer numbers can be impressive in the peak seasons March-May & August-October.  Birds of prey such as Honey Buzzards, Black Kites, Short-toed Eagles, Booted Eagles, Griffon Vultures, White & black storks, pass in their thousands, with smaller numbers Egyptian & Griffon Vultures, Marsh, Hen and Montagu’s Harriers, Sparrowhawk, Common Buzzards, Ospreys, Eleonora’s Falcon and many others.

The incredible experience of learning how to identify various raptors from a long distance by merely using head-on angle, flight action and build WITHOUT even perceiving any colour or other distinctive features of many species. itinerary will depend on the weather and wind direction on the day, but having experience bird of prey migration for the past 40 years, we know where the main passage routes will be the day before by paying attention to the clues natures gives you and which we have been able to tap into through the years.

We know exactly where to to be postioned to obtained the best photos.  With the years, one tends to develop a sort of ‘perceptive ability’ to be able to predict small changes in wind direction which would influence where the main passage will flow by in order to be best positioned to photograph these lovely birds. Choose your dates during the Spring and Autumn on a first come first served basis. 

Itinerary depends on preferences and prevailing weather / winds on the day, but essentially you will cover three different destination on each day, which can also be customised as much as feasibly possible depending on species required. Happy to discuss.

Strait of Gibraltar coverage

Route are customisable. Fees will reflect distances covered, fuel and number of persons – contact us for a quote and customise your tour experience. Shaded red areas reflect possible routes during the course of the 3 days, but not all shaded areas will be covered in a single day.

Strait of Gibraltar coverage

Some of the images from the tours

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